Important warning signs Your existing water tank is about to be replaced or repair soon ?
Hot water is very important mainly to be used for bath or cleaning propose and washing staff in the residential house , the demand is more higher in the cold winter than summer , there are some warning signs to recommend the owners to consider to upgrading to high efficiency hot water tank .
No 1, Checking Rusty water from the drain tube on the side of your water tank , once you find out the rusty water dropped down to the ground with yellow color , it dedicated that there are too much sediments accumulated on the bottom of water tank . it need to be repair or replaced soon .
No 2, Checking the age of your water tank , find out the age by checking out the serial number on the description of manufacturer’s sticker on the surface of the water tank , if the age is over 12 years , it is the time to consider to upgrade to new energy efficient tank with self-cleaning system one to save your monthly natural gas bills and reduce sediment by itself and it is good for you and your family health.
No 3, if you heard about noisy sound for the ignition , or motor on the top is different than usual , meanwhile this sediments built up on the bottom of the tank , you can often hear rattling or banging sounds coming from the bottom of the water heater once the tank has been heated up. This is final warning sign that the water heater is at the end of its lifespan . Accumulating harmful sediments on the bottom of water tank always cause the following issues :
Less efficiency means that gas water heater will have to spend more and more gas and worker harder than before to heat the water, and result in increasing your monthly cost .
Too much damage for hot water tank and it spend the extra time heating the water that it can cause more wear on the metal tank and develop tiny holes surrounding bottom area . If you start to hear rattling from your water heater, keep an eye on any small leaks , Sediment can drift into recirculating lines, checking valves, and causing the circle pump to stick until it burns out. If you find one, it need to be replaced ASAP .