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Do you feel too cold in the your bedrooms or some unheated areas in your house during the winter season , and feel too hot or uncool areas in your house during summer season as well ? do you also realize your monthly utilities are also higher ? the snow on the roof isn’t easy to be melt ? and there are too much condensation in the house ? 

Yes , we got the answer because of the height of your attic insulation , it is time to check your attic has been insulated enough size insulation , what you need to do is that you can check the existing height of your attic by accessing through attic access cover , normally , it located inside the clothing cabinet , the ceiling of upstairs, your attic is always coldest area of your house in the winter , and hottest area in the summer , the hot air which was generated by your furnace or other heating system during winter or cool air which was generated by your air conditioner during summer always escaped through your attic area up to 40% of the whole house , which means your home’s energy loss escapes through your attic at the ratio at up to 40% , please referred to the following chart :

What is the standard for the height of the attic insulation ?

  • Value Insulation is important because it indicate the ability for the insulation to resist heat flow. The ability of insulation material to reduce heat flow is called its R-value. The greater the R-value, the more this heat flow is reduced. When assessing your insulation, it needs to think of heat transfer. Example heat leaves your home in the winter and heat comes in from outside in the summer, or we insulate a freezer so heat does not get in rather than cold getting out.  R-Value is not the only thing to consider when choosing the insulation you use in your home. Air tightness is as important if not more important. Air leakage accounts for 40% of a home’s energy loss.  By tightening your home the insulation will be much more effective, this is why spray foam is so superior to fiberglass batts. Other examples of foam being superior to batt insulation would be freezers, water heaters and refrigerators. Normally , we already help out our customer to increase from R12 or less at 4 inch or less to minimum height of R50 , which is around 16 inch height , As you know , the building code is just required at R40 , yes , we insulated to R50 because we never cut the corner for our customer .

It is any Green incentive rebate for this attic insulation Job ?


Yes , In Ontario , if you are living in the qualified Enbridge territory or qualified Union gas territory , you are eligible to receive the green incentive rebate up to $2100 from enbridge , you are eligible to receive the green incentive rebate up to $5000 from Union gas , the rebate program is issued by Ontario government and operated by enbridge or union gas to support the home owners to upgrade all qualified items to allows you to increase your home’s energy efficiency, lower your monthly bills, and reduce your footprint on the environment. Please kindly to visit at enbridge official website or union gas official website to find out the details .

Enbridge customers can clink on the following links :

Union gas customers can click on the following links :


What about next , how can we help you to complete your attic insulation Job ?

Our professional technicians always put our customers on priority , and they always follow up the steps to complete our job ,

Step 1 , Inspecting and clarify where is wood joints located above the attic area , and adjust and average the height of existing attic .

Step 2, Marked reference lines with scales to hit the standard of your attic , check the location of existing venting pipe or tube , and lighting fixtures ,isolate them from insulation to avoid fire hazards at certain distance .

Step 3, Installed Baffles to make sure air flow into the attic to pass through it smoothly by additional requirement of the owners .

Step 4, Blow-in Spray fiberglass such as attic cat for the whole house to hit the height of R50 and then completed the whole job .

What are the benefits for comparison before and after attic insulation ?

No 1, you will feel more comfortable to live in your house than before , less condensing and moisture .

No 2, Saving your monthly Utilities bill up to 25% , due to your existing furnace or a/c can work less frequency than before you upgraded your attic insulation .

No 3, the structure , wood framing , roof etc will be beneficial for attic insulation as well due to suitable temperature , please see the following charts :

No 4, it will postpone lifespan of your attic area during winter and summer .

If you want free attic insulation or any more questions about , it is time to pick up your phone to call at 1-800-8872058 in details .we would like to help you out with our fast , professional , expert services .

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